Introducing Selma Maric!
By: Evelyn Ealey

This week’s leadership spotlight features Selma Maric; a second-year Political Science and Strategic Communications major with a minor in leadership studies. Selma is actively involved in various parts of student life on campus including being an Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellow, a senator within the Elon Student Government Association, serving as Sophomore Class President and acting as the Student Outreach Chair. She also works in the Elon Admissions office in the Records department as a Processing Application Leader Assistant, and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and the Elon Mock Trial team. Selma loves to give back to first year students and was an Orientation Leader for New Student Programs this year, as well as being a current Elon 1010 peer educator.
Selma has taken many opportunities to be a leader on and off campus, which has given her new insight as to what best defines leadership. For her, leadership is best defined by one’s willingness to serve their community. In every aspect of her involvement she does her best to incorporate community service and outreach. Selma finds it crucial to take into consideration various perspectives, to prioritize inclusivity, and to go above and beyond to spread kindness and joy into the lives of others.
Selma finds much value in being involved in her Elon student community as a leader because she loves helping those around her. She enjoys having open discussions with her peers about issues they are passionate about, and ensuring their concerns are addressed, which translates to many of the organizations that she is a part of on campus. She loves her community and taking care of people who are a part of it is what matters to her the most. As a leader outside of campus, Selma believes that being a leader allows people to show courage and dedication, and that it is essential to the development of community values. As she continues to hold many leadership positions, Selma enjoys getting to learn more about herself and discovering the bravery and strength it takes to face individual and group challenges.
One of Selma’s favorite leaders is Ruth Bader Ginsburg because of her commitment to justice and the bravery she had sharing her opinions even when they were harshly challenged. She has been educating herself on law and legal matters for several years, which is why she originally viewed Ginsburg as a role model. Her admiration for Ginsburg grew as Selma learned more about her advocacy for women’s rights and her determination to fight for equality. Selma hopes that she embodies these unique qualities when she is acting in her roles of leadership, and carries those ideas with her everyday.