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Leadership Fellow: Aeiris Faloni!

By: Evelyn Ealey

This week’s leadership spotlight highlights one of the Center for Leadership's Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows, Aeiris Faloni. She is a first-year Communication Design major with minors in Art History and Leadership Studies. Aeiris has loved her time as a Leadership Fellow so far and she is so grateful for the connections on campus that the program has given her. Even though her and the other fellows may lead different lives or have varying interests, everyone is supportive of each others endeavors no matter what they are.

Although Aeiris just beginning her Elon journey, she has gained much knowledge as to what best defines leadership. To her, leadership is best defined as making an effort to create change and inspire others. She actively works to be a open listener and uplifting to others around her because she knows there are voices that may not be able to speak up on their own. As someone who identifies as LGBTQIA+, Aeiris finds that being a leader within that community significant because it shows others they shouldn't be afraid to be confident in their identity. Aeiris is continuously striving to use her newfound leadership skills to empower the voices of those unheard.

Aeiris shared that her favorite leader is Titus Kaphar. Kaphar is a contemporary Black artist whose art sparks conversation about the treatment of Black mothers in America. She finds Kaphar's pieces to be incredibly inspiring, and finds his ability to speak out for a community that he is not actively a member of extremely admirable. Similar to Kaphar, Aeiris hopes to raise awareness for underrepresented communities and give a voice to those in need


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