Leadership Spotlight : Sarah Candol

This week’s leadership spotlight highlights one of the Center for Leadership's interns, Sarah Cadol. She is a senior Strategic Communications & BFA Acting major. She participates in numerous Elon Performing Arts productions as an actor and she is directing the NewWork's Spring Musical Sleeping Beauty. Also, she is Queer Arts Festival Director and served as the president of EFFECT (Elon Feminists For Equality, Change, and Transformation). This year Sarah works in CFL as a Leadership Education Intern.
As a leader, Sarah wants to amplify the voices of underrepresented communities and instill confidence in people who feel undervalued and overlooked by society. In her work as an actor, writer, and director, she strives to create art that highlights new perspectives of the human experience. She wants to be intentional about the type of projects she gets involved with as an actor. Additionally, Sarah wants to create opportunities for people of all identities to be represented in the art she makes. These two leadership quotes inspire Sarah's definition of leadership.
“I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.”
- Brene Brown
“I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong. So don't be afraid—you hear me, young people? Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education, then get out there and use that education...Lead by example with hope, never fear,”
- Michelle Obama
Sarah's favorite leader is her Nana who made an effort to read and educate herself on important social issues and had a remarkable ability to make everyone she met feel immensely special, appreciated, and seen.